I really can’t stand to see any posts about March for our lives
It’s just too bitter sweet for me. I can’t stop thinking about how black people had police in riot gear and military tanks show up to their peaceful protests with no news coverage at all
Whole neighborhoods were turned into war zones because black people said please stop killing us
Meanwhile predominately white children get to take center stage in national media coverage and no one as tear gased them yet. They get to speak to congress and actually be heard and not written off as worthless…
Look, I was at the march and if you think the military wasn’t there, you’re a fool.
If you think they only let white kids speak, you’re a fool.
All of these kids spoke at length about the disproportionate way gun violence affects their communities, so much so that it’s stopped making the news. I’m sick of the criticism I’m seeing from people who weren’t even there. The truth is that these kids knew that their march was mired in privilege (they talked about that, too!) and they used it to give POC youth leaders a platform to speak. They addressed problems with educational funding, they called out the school-to-prison pipeline that many of these cities have… And then I come here to see all of you cutting it down because “white kids” organized it. Are any of you paying attention?
do you ever suddenly realise that every last alchemist in fma is a nerd
they’re scientists. they’re nerds.
and yet somehow…… they also manage to be jocks.
they are the perfect combination of bro and loser. alex has more muscles than friends. roy sulks like a wet puppy when he can’t use his magic flames. ed can’t ride big rollercoasters.
only True Jock in this franchise is Riza Hawkeye and i think that’s beautiful
And Scar was an ultrajock, running around with stolen homework, hunting down nerds as the ultimate bully in Amestris.