

If you like Brooklyn 99, you should read Terry Pratchett’s Discworld books, specifically the City Watch books, because they’re basically Brooklyn 99 but British, written 10-30 years ago, and set in a pseudo-medieval society that’s undergoing its industrial revolution.

There is a scene in Jingo where Sam Vimes learns of the growing nationalist tension and upcoming military action, hears one of his officers and best friends say the same casually racist things he’s said for thirty years about a brown-skinned foreigner that, by the way, he’s perfectly friendly to, calls him into his office, and says No.

This is a thing we are Not Going To Do Anymore, Fred. I know that you’ve been saying this for the last thirty years, Fred. It’s not offensive all of a sudden, Fred, it’s been offensive this whole time and I haven’t cared enough before, but it’s Time To Be Better, Fred.

Jingo was published in 1997.