Church basement aesthetics:



  • Hot cocoa in a Styrofoam cup but
    there’s not enough room in the cup for a full packet of hot cocoa so it’s
    either too strong or too weak
  • A piano that hasn’t been played
    since the 1980s
  • A room that’s always closed and
    has adults talking behind it but you’re not quite sure who they are or if they
    ever leave
  • Donuts that you’re not allowed to
  • Scented markers and multicolored
    craft sticks in an old basket
  • Veggie tales on VHS and two
    rolling tvs on ancient tv stands
  • A room behind another room that has christmas decorations in it
  • This table:
  • that one bitch who’s always always wearing tights and a dress even though the basement never gets above like 55 degrees 
  • Dusty ass bibles and one lone dusty ass hymnal
  • Old programs for concerts, baptisms, events, and VBS printed with black ink on colored 8.5″x11″ paper folded in half 
  • Little acrylic bead craft projects in the shapes of lizards or cats that some girl made at church camp and forgot to take home 
  • Glitter but not in the joyful gay way
  • Moms in fleece 

This is fascinating to me because I never went to church, I’m not a Christian, and yet I can so clearly imagine this it’s like I was there