
Big Finish themed episode recommendations: political revolution!

Revolution has been at the core of the TV series from day 1, and Big Finish knows how to do it really, really well. If you’re interested in political revolution stories, check out these five episodes:

1) The Game

  • Characters: Fifth Doctor, Nyssa.
  • Notes: Hands-down one of the most complicated, well-written Big Finish episodes ever made, in which the Fifth Doctor becomes forced to deal with someone from his own future. What starts out as a sports episode quickly turns into a nightmare, and the story includes a record amount of interesting and very individual characters. 

2) LIVE 34

  • Characters: Seventh Doctor, Ace, Hex.
  • Notes: A frighteningly realistic episode, told entirely from the point of view of its side characters. The Doctor and his two companions spend the episode apart from each other, and try to slowly but steadily uncover a massive political scandal. 

3) Flip-Flop

  • Characters: Seventh Doctor, Mel.
  • Notes: A highly experimental episode, which embraces the atmosphere of Seven’s earliest TV stories with Mel: he’s not in charge, he’s used and manipulated by everyone around him, and things go very wrong. My personal favourite Big Finish episode of all time, told in two installments which can be listened to in either order. You may want to make charts and graphs. 

4) The Council Of Nicaea

  • Characters: Fifth Doctor, Peri, Erimem.
  • Notes: One of Erimemushinteperem’s most interesting and realistic episodes, which can easily be listened to even if you’ve never heard her stories before. As a daughter of Pharaoh Amenhotep II, Erimem’s cultural views are very different to those of Peri and the Doctor, and this story examines that by placing her right in the middle of a Christian revolution. 

5) The Holy Terror

  • Characters: Sixth Doctor, Frobisher.
  • Notes: Frobisher is originally from the Doctor Who Magazine comics, and all you need to know is that he’s a shapeshifting detective penguin. And as this episode is written by Rob Shearman, it’s full of complete absurdist mindscrew. Enjoy. 

Check out my other Big Finish guides here, and my other themed episode recommendations here. If you’d like to see more recommendations with a specific theme, please feel free to send me a message!