













Combine your chinese zodiac and astrology sign to make your true fursona

taurus + dog = a horned dog with a big nose. Yeah, sounds like me u w u

Ox and Gemini, so… Twin oxen?

im too tired to be a jackalope please dont do this to me

a dragon and a centaur

who wants to fight


Im a cow horse

ok good


literally two snakes

double sheep

horse and scorpion so i’m literally an andalite from the animorphs

Rat and Fishgoat. Hmm

Monkey and… Fish goat….?????

A goat and a rooster. Not good.

dave: hey karkat check these out
dave: these are candies from earth
dave: theyre called warheads and theyre great
dave: you gotta pack like five of them in to get the full effect
KARKAT: //places five in his mouth without reacting
dave: …
dave: ……….
KARKAT: ……………
dave: damn dude arent they sour
dave: damn i must have alchemized them wrong
dave: shouldnt let these babies go to waste
dave: //pops three in his mouth
dave: …………….
KARKAT: //stares into daves shades and crunches his warheads loudly as tears begin to drip down daves cheeks from beneath his shades.

What to say when an artist quotes your commission higher than you expected:



  • “Thank you for the quote, I’ll keep it in mind and get back to you sometime when I’m able to commission you!”
  • “That’s a little out of my budget for the time being, but thank you for your time. I’ll contact you again if/when I am able to pay!”
  • “I appreciate the quote, but i’ve decided to wait on the commission, thank you!”
  • “I understand your prices and that they are fair, but I am unable to afford this for the time being! Good luck on the rest of your commissions.”

What NOT to say when an artist quotes your commission higher than you expected:

  • “@-@ Holy crap that’s expensive!!”
  • “Could you maybe give me a tumblr follower discount? :3”
  • “Your prices are too high!!!!”
  • “Really?? Just for a sketch? I could draw it for half that!!”

Treat artists like human beings. We gotta eat too. Commissioning an artist is not different from any other contract work. You’re not going to ask your dentist for a discounted root canal or tell your contractor his cabinets are too expensive, don’t ask artists to change their prices because you perceive them as too high. More than likely, an artist taking commissions from the internet are drastically under charging themselves already. Please be respectful and understanding that art is a skill and not a favour.

#on top of that please don’t decide to like…not respond at all


also even goin “ok nvm” is better (for me at least) than nothing at all

just please respond

the signs as things my uncle has done

aries: abandoned my 4 year old father in the woods
taurus: accidentally burned down a cornfield
gemini: tried to smuggle himself into thailand by stowing away on an air force plane
cancer: totaled a car before he could legally drive by ripping off the steering wheel at 60 miles an hour and driving into a ditch
leo: drove a tractor leaking gasoline through a fire
virgo: stole his brother’s car while he was playing tennis and then drove up as he was furiously walking to the police station and offered him a ride
libra: convinced another brother to throw a rock down the outhouse and watched as he proceeded to get shit splashed on his face
scorpio: tried to drive a car with no brakes by welding a pipe to the emergency brake and using that instead and nearly died
sagittarius: convinced his 16 year old brother he could control their stereo with his mind
capricorn: set a couch on fire with my 3 year old aunt still sitting on it
aquarius: almost drove off a cliff into strip mine while trying to round up the cows
pisces: bought a real sword and incorporated it into his wedding proposal

@my 13 year old followers




if an older kid (16+) asks you out, say no and cut off communication immediately. if they continue to ask you out or try to threaten you into dating them, tell an adult. dont let the situation advance in their favor.

stay safe

This! And also, if you’re 16+, don’t ask out younger teens. Don’t be a creep, man, come on.

Also to my 16 and below followers: if someone 18+ ask you out or is being sexual in any way to you, please stop talking to them right fucking then.
I beg you!