

the director of The Matrix Trilogy and V for Vendetta just came out as a trans woman, which is something usually we should be supporting were it not for the circumstances of how she came out.

Lilly Wachowski was doorstepped by The Daily Mail, blackmailed, told that if she didn’t come for an interview with them they would out her. Lilly was forced to come out before she was ready.

this is disgustingly unethical journalism and general human behaviour, and it’s not the first time this has happened

after the Mail outted Lucy Meadows, a primary school teacher, in 2013, she killed herself. this is ridiculously irresponsible and dangerous and it has to stop because lives are at risk.

read the full article and sign a petition against The Mail’s behaviour here

and please reblog so this circulates

the sad tale of asriel and chara.


(undertale spoilers)

(thanks to @undertale-science for the flower theories and for putting things into perspective, and to this site for having a lot of transcripts which made compiling the information in this post a lot easier)

the story of what happened prior to the events of undertale is spread out over many different parts of the game. as a result, it’s easy to forget parts and to get confused. this post aims to clear things up using quotes directly from the game. 


★ new home / monster tale


but somebody came.


★ true lab / tape 2 / asriel to chara


★ true lab / first half of tape 3 / asriel to chara


★ new home / genocide route / flowey


★ true lab / second half of tape 3 / asriel to chara


after seeing how sick asgore becomes from ingesting the flowers, chara comes up with the plan to die from the symptoms that eating buttercups causes so that asriel can absorb their soul. in chara’s plan, together they can collect six other human souls, supposedly to break the barrier and free all monsters, although chara likely had other motives.

from the ranunculus wiki on the subject of toxicity:

(note: buttercups are members of the ranunculus genus)

All Ranunculus species are poisonous when eaten fresh by cattle, horses, and other livestock, but their acrid taste and the blistering of the mouth caused by their poison means they are usually left uneaten. Poisoning can occur where buttercups are abundant in overgrazed fields where little other edible plant growth is left, and the animals eat them out of desperation. Symptoms include bloody diarrhea, excessive salivation, colic, and severe blistering of the mouth, mucous membranes and gastrointestinal tract. When Ranunculus plants are handled, naturally occurring ranunculin is broken down to form protoanemonin, which is known to cause contact dermatitis in humans and care should therefore be exercised in extensive handling of the plants.

with these symptoms in mind, it’s hard to imagine anyone laughing about it, but chara apparently found it funny.

★ true lab / tape 4 / asriel to chara


chara eats the buttercups and falls ill, all according to plan. only asriel knows why chara fell sick, and he doesn’t share this with anyone.

★ new home / monster tale


★ true lab / tape 5 / toriel to chara


★ true lab / tape 5 / asgore to chara


★ new home / monster tale


★ true lab / tape 5 / asriel to chara


asriel, at chara’s deathbed, feels regret after chara goes through with the plan, but he resolves to carry out chara’s wishes.

★ new home / monster tale


not only is asriel grief-stricken, he’s fulfilling chara’s scheme and trying to carry out their last wishes.

★ waterfall / wall writing


perhaps asriel became a creature that was frightening to look at.

★ new home / monster tale


★ ruins / after true pacifist end / asriel to frisk


★ new home / monster tale


although asriel may not have gone through with the plot to absorb chara’s soul alone, chara’s last wish to see the flowers from their village probably made asriel give into it.

★ true lab / entry number 10 (about the golden flowers)


the seeds of chara’s favourite golden flowers likely got stuck to asriel’s fur when he carried chara’s body onto the flowerbed.

★ new home / monster tale


chara, knowing what humans are like, probably predicted this response. 

★ ruins / after true pacifist end / asriel to frisk


chara wanted asriel’s body to retaliate and steal six human souls in order to either :
a.) become a godlike being able to destroy anything


b.) break the barrier so that monsters and humans can wage war on each other, or
c.) both.

★ new home / monster tale


★ ruins / after true pacifist end / asriel to frisk


★ genocide finale / first meeting / chara to the player


chara’s plan fails when they can’t force asriel’s body to fight back, essentially making chara’s sacrifice meaningless.

★ new home / monster tale


★ snowdin / library books / red bookcase


according to the school report, a monster’s dust can imbue what it lands on with its essence – asriel’s dust lands on the garden, and on the seed(s) of the golden flower he must have accidentally brought back with him.

★ true lab / entry number 7


alphys chooses to inject determination into the first golden flower that grew before all the others, fertilised by asriel’s dust – the flower contained asriel’s essence, but it wasn’t alive prior to being given determination as it lacked a soul.

★ true lab / entry number 10


★ true lab / entry number 12


it took a while for something to happen to the flower, just as the amalgamates took a while to get up and start walking (before ultimately melting into each other).

★ new home / genocide route / flowey


a parallel to when chara called for help and asriel came.


★ true lab / entry number 18


★ new home / genocide route / flowey


flowey flees the king’s garden, where alphys had been observing him, to visit his mother at the ruins.


”i decided to follow in your footsteps” seems to reinforce the idea that chara purposely committed suicide in order to achieve their goals.

so that’s pretty much it! this is most of the important information about chara/asriel/flowey in undertale, sorted into a neat little package. you can infer or guess plenty of different things from this.

for the majority of asriel’s speech about chara so that things seem more clear, click here.





hey friend

dont kill yourself tonight ok

you have a really pretty smile and i know its not always easy to manage one but itd be a bummer if we never had the chance to see it ever again

youre really important and you matter a lot so stay safe and try and have a nice sleep

I would like a moment to thank the people who reblog post like this so that it eventually shows on my dash.

It is keeping me alive

I actually really needed this tonight, thank you

‘Mass suicide’ protest at Apple manufacturer Foxconn factory

‘Mass suicide’ protest at Apple manufacturer Foxconn factory





every medicine on the market is like

pros: you’ll stop coughing

cons: you might die

my favorite side effect warning is for antidepressants

pros: you won’t want to kill yourself

cons: you might want to kill yourself

Back when I was in a psychiatric hospital, and was offered antidepressants, my mother had declined them due to that apparent side effect. So the staff actually explained about this effect antidepressants have, that give reason to that warning.
When first taking antidepressants they raise up your energy first. So that you have the energy to do the tasks you might have avoided doing due to your depression.
Because of this those who were already suicidal, now have the energy to go do so. Which is the ones this warning is given for.
It’s not that a side effect of antidepressants magically makes you want to kill yourself, it’s the energy it gives those who were already struggling with suicidal issues, to actually attempt the act.

Very informative…


Some of the posts I’ve seen lately (particularly those about LGBTQ youth suicides), as well as the general way I’ve seen people on tumblr tending to talk about suicide, have seriously concerned me as potential causes of suicide contagion. 

Suicide contagion (or “copycat suicide”) refers to the phenomenon of a spike in suicides (or “suicide cluster”) that emulate an original “model” suicide, the details of which have been highly publicized without taking protective measures. 

In order to prevent this, most media outlets have guidelines to encourage the responsible coverage of suicide (in extreme cases, the mention of suicide is completely banned). Unfortunately, people posting on social media sites and blogs are not subject to the same guidelines and may not be aware of the potentially devastating impact that their actions could have. To help people discuss suicide in a responsible way, I’ve compiled a list of some of the factors that can cause suicide contagion.

Factors that can contribute to suicide contagion effect:

-glamorizing of the suicide or the deceased; implying that their death was purposeful, noble, or heroic in any way; (specific to LGBTQ people) turning the deceased into a martyr for the cause

-sharing details of the method of death (especially graphic or explicit details or photos)

-sharing photos of the death, funeral, or memorials

-quoting or sharing excerpts from or complete suicide notes

-implying that one specific event triggered a suicide; ignore the multitude of factors that contribute to suicide

-using dramatic, sensationalist or graphic language and images; repeated discussion or coverage of a suicide

-presenting suicide as a viable, valid, or liberating option 

-referring to a suicide as successful/failed rather than using more neutral language such as completed/attempted

-turning the deceased’s social media pages into memorials especially without careful moderation to delete potentially dangerous posts

-failing to share suicide prevention resources in posts/articles about suicide

This is not to say that the victims of suicide should not be mourned or remembered, but that we must do so in a conscientious way. The people who are most vulnerable to suicide contagion are those who occupy the same or similar demographic categories as the deceased. When we talk about the suicides of LGBT youth carelessly we are putting the most vulnerable members of our community at risk. Please keep these guidelines in mind when you are deciding what to post and reblog!

Recommendations for Reporting on Suicide

And finally, if you are considering suicide or think someone you know may be PLEASE seek help. Stay safe and look out for each other and for yourselves. 

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (US): 1 (800) 273-8255

The Trevor Project Lifeline (Specifically for LGBTQ Youth): 866-488-7386

Suicide Warning Signs

RIP Zander


This hasn’t been on my dash much, but on February 15th, 2015, Zander Nicholas Mahaffey, a 15 year old transgender male, commited suicide. He had a rough time at home and was constantly misgendered and yelled at. He wrote a suicide note over 3,000 words especially everything on his blog

Please don’t forget Zander. We spread Leelah around, let’s spread Zander around. We need to stop families from murdering their transgender children.